


LONESOME is our community-driven, interdisciplinary and intergenerational journal of poetry and the arts. LONESOME is published in print annually, LONESOME Nº1 YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE is our inaugural issue.

LONESOME N°1: YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE is edited by Monique Erickson and art directed by Alex Wiederin. This first issue engages a spectrum of voices and viewpoints, including poetry and writing by Bob Holman, Ama Birch, Max Blagg, Penny Arcade, Tara Betts, Ilka Scobie; art by Mark Manders, Sandra Cinto, Andrea Galvani, David Horvitz, and Elizabeth Jaeger; interviews with designers Maria Cornejo and Maria McManus; music by Melora Creager (of Rasputina and Nirvana), Jordan Galland (with Sean Lennon on guitar) and more. A hardcover journal with full-page color images and QR codes linking to interactive media, LONESOME N°1 is comprised of two limited, signed editions of 500: one in black ink, and one in red.

LONESOME PRESS is a proud member of the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses (CLMP).


Price $44
Pages 85
Dimensions 8.5 x 11 x .5 inches
Language English
Type Hardcover

ISBN 979-8-218-36215-7

If you would like your copies of LONESOME N° 1 inscribed, please provide name(s) on the payment page under ORDER INFO.

with: Albano Afonso & Sandra Cinto / Penny Arcade / Tara Betts / Ama Birch / Max Blagg / Luigi Cazzaniga / Maria Cornejo / Judd Crane / Melora Creager / Rebecca Rose Cuomo / Mo David / Monique Erickson / Ashley Escobar / Francine / Jordan Galland / Andrea Galvani / Theresa Ganz / Anton Ginzburg / Katherine Gleason / Bob Holman / David Horvitz / Ingrid Jacobsen / Gregory Krum / Elizabeth Jaeger / Laura Leleux / Lily Ludlow / Mark Manders / Maria McManus / Kristin Miller / America Murphy / David Pickering / Matt Proctor / Anthony Ray / Ilka Scobie / Dana Sherwood / Cathy Simmons / Lily Simonson / Gwen Smith / Sasha Weleber / Jeffrey Cyphers Wright / Seldon Yuan